I'm actually an American woman who once lived in Alaska. They had a saying in Alaska, it was on signs everywhere, falling out of every other mouth that opened when I first arrived in Alaska, and that saying you ask? "We don't give a damn how they do it in the lower 48." It is a mind set there, of course most of the residents of Alaska were from the "lower 48". A great deal from Texas during the pipeline project. Alaska at the time and seems to be still if Sarah Palin is a representative of an Alaskan woman, prides itself on being a collection of "Unique" individuals. That is all well and good. I'm all for individualism, to a point. For Sarah Palin to stand up and gush her "hokey, folksy"
There is enough violence in this world, without the Sarah Palins and Glen Becks inciting more of it. Whatever happened to sitting down and discussing differences? If they don't like the health care bill, then sit down at the table and constructively discuss options. If you have no options to discuss or you just don't give a
Sarah...go back to ALASKA...we in the lower 48 do give damn about our country.