Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Post That Got Sidetracked

A post idea smacked me right in the middle of reviewing an updated retirement contract. Which is one of the most boring items to read (legaleeeeeeeeeeese), late this afternoon. I restrained myself, finished the review process, downed my computer, locked my door and drove home, mind in overdrive (thoughts and ideas for the post). I ran in, deposited coat, bag and briefcase in my home office. Took the dog for the shortest of runs, returned to my computer, just itching to get going..but I just needed that special piece of music or artwork.

I tabbed my way to YouTube...and got lost in the music: Eartha, Ella, Billy, Sarah, Dinah Washington: Ain't Misbehavin, What Difference A Day Makes, Santa Baby,'Taint Nobody's Business If I Do, One Note Samba, Good Morning Heartache, Summertime, This Bitter Earth. Wandered over to Tracy Chapman, The Promise, Telling Stories. On to Gershwin's Rhapsody In Blue (I think this is my all time favorite piece of music that or Summertime, my lullaby as a child).

Music and creating art have always stopped time for me. I lose myself and the world in them. It was a lovely evening, wonderful music and the memories that flowed with the music and this different Post. Good night all, pleasant dreams.

1 comment:

Jen said...
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