Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Work Is Calling....And I Must Answer

I'm going to take a short break this week from blogging.  I will as time permits be stopping by the blogs I follow and keeping up with all of you.  But the remainder of my time will be with the spreadsheets. 

By the way, blessings to the inventor of spreadsheets.  The new 2007 Excel is wonderful.

Have a wonderful week.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Time To Curl Up & Enjoy a Good Book

Finally Saturday we are going to be getting warmer weather.  This has been a cold and very wet spring.  So cold that I've not been able to do much in the garden.  Last night we had frost.  Saturday I'm spending in my garden, planting, weeding and general clean up from the storms. 

 But Friday night I have absolutely one thing planned for the evening. Tucked into an afgan on the sofa, soft down pillows at my back, with a good book, the dog curled by my feet, and a steady stream of soft jazz playing in the background. I intend to stay put for the entire evening, until the dog wakes me up most likely.  In other words....ME time. 

I stopped by the library on the way home this evening and picked up the books I'd reserved earlier in the week.  Dinner has been cooked for tomorrow and all I have to do is warm it. Now I just have to decide which of the books I picked up to start with.  I think I will start with ..........

I wish you all a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


As you can see below I've been having a debate/discussion regarding America and the world.   Much in this world has been done in the name of Religion and in the name of Greed. This is my wish.... Peace for our world.  The rose on the title line of this blog is a rose I grew and photographed.  It's here for a reason.... It is a Peace Rose. 

Monday, May 3, 2010

America Bashing

I recently did something I'm not prone to do. I took offense to a comment posted to another blogs post and commented on it. The actual post was funny; the comment not. The post dealt with two separate encounters on public transit with individual delusions, one most likely mentally ill the other suffering the delusion of a conspiracy theory. The post infused the humor of being trapped with these individuals with concern for their well being. It was well done as always by this blogger. These events took place in Canada, my near neighbors to the north.

The comments by Indian Pundit in their entirety: "Indian Pundit said...

"I have five locks on my front door, but last night the CIA broke into my house and stole my make-up bag."

Hahahahaha......i cannot not stop laughing...

R u sure they are citizens of Canada??

These sort of conspiracy theories are VERY POPULAR with a large section of Americans.
They are just normal Americans who believe in all sorts of conspiracies.

"You know, you must never trust the government. There is a secret underground government, and they run everything, and the government are just puppets."

Actually this gentleman is very normal. It is one of the most popular conspiracy theories in America.

Check it out. You will be SHOCKED:


May 2, 2010 9:51 PM

Indian Pundit said...

It is nothing but a by-product of corporate media and plain stupidity.

Cheers "; are offensive.

I re-read his comments a few times, but still came away with the inference that he feels the majority of Americans have delusional conspiracy theories, the reader should be "SHOCKED" by this, and that we are "plain stupid" and easily swayed by "corporate media".

I am not a flag wavier. I am well aware of this nation’s problems and idiosyncrasies. We are a nation of individuals who have brought with us our cultures, religions, histories, natures, habits and individual points of view; both good and bad. We are a nation that others still bring to our shores their cultures, religions, natures, habits, individual points of view and dreams, both good and bad; to be integrated into our nation.

We have struggled; first for recognition and independence, then unity. We struggle still with tolerance among ourselves. While the idealism of our Constitution and Bill of Rights are commendable, we as a people are NOT perfect. But then what country can claim perfection. We are individuals and as such should be judged on our own merits and foibles, NOT based on a poorly researched impression garnered from Wikipedia.

Yes I'm certain that there are some individuals so disillusioned with the current state of affairs, which are turning to and clinging to a conspiracy theory of one sort or another. It's their coping mechanism. Who am I, and for that matter who are YOU to judge how they are handling the stresses in their individual lives as well as outside stressors. Secondly what harm are they doing to or have done to you with their theories? IP I think you were trying for humor, however, do you pride yourself on humor that belittles others?

For others that like to take pot shots at Americans and their way of life:  As to our style of government, like a great ocean liner we cannot stop and turn on a dime. Each new administration inherits the results of its predecessors' work and ideologies that have been established both in the inner workings of this country and our national policies.

 Remember we came from many countries, probably some from yours.  We came from a place and or time, or political climate, where we could no longer pursue our hopes and dreams, to these shores to start anew. It would behoove the world to remember we are also your sisters and brothers in humanity.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Tracy Chapman - New Beginning

It is time to start over!  I couldn't have said it better than Tracy Chapman does with New Beginnings.