Thursday, May 6, 2010

Time To Curl Up & Enjoy a Good Book

Finally Saturday we are going to be getting warmer weather.  This has been a cold and very wet spring.  So cold that I've not been able to do much in the garden.  Last night we had frost.  Saturday I'm spending in my garden, planting, weeding and general clean up from the storms. 

 But Friday night I have absolutely one thing planned for the evening. Tucked into an afgan on the sofa, soft down pillows at my back, with a good book, the dog curled by my feet, and a steady stream of soft jazz playing in the background. I intend to stay put for the entire evening, until the dog wakes me up most likely.  In other words....ME time. 

I stopped by the library on the way home this evening and picked up the books I'd reserved earlier in the week.  Dinner has been cooked for tomorrow and all I have to do is warm it. Now I just have to decide which of the books I picked up to start with.  I think I will start with ..........

I wish you all a wonderful weekend.


Cedar said...

SO, which one did you pick?

A Woman said...

Actually I picked two....the one you sent me...and........

The elephant, the tigar, and the cell phone...Reflections on INDIA The Emerging 21st-Century Power... Shashi Tharoor

Indian Pundit said...

Wow.....u are reading about India.

Any observation about India is both right and wrong at the same time because the exact opposite observation of it is also always true.Lol.

Confusing right??.....Lol

Consider this , Indian middle class (about 300 to 400 million people) is rapidly gaining prosperity...and increasing in numbers.


Poverty rate has also increased in recent years.

If you ever visit India , u will find WORLD CLASS shopping malls and WORLD CLASS MNCs....along with sub-Saharan type poverty in Indian cities.

and many many other exact opposites in this multi-dimensional country co-existing......not always peacefully.

Cheers and take care.

A Woman said...

Laughing, and yes I am reading about India. I read a great deal. My reading habits are like me, eclectic. I like learning about other cultures; their people, beliefs, history, music, art and food. The world would be empty without these. For me a person that stops learning, exploring new ideas and growing; is a person that has stopped living and contributing to this world.

It is time to revise my childhood readings of India with more adult learning. India to me as a child was the land of Elephants, Tigers, Cobras and a mystical people full of wonderful stories.

I'm happy to hear that your middle class are gaining prosperity and increasing in their numbers; also, very sad that your poverty rates are also increasing. An American founder Benjamin Franklin wanted this country to be a hard working middle class people. Many are, but of late our middle class is shrinking, and poverty levels are rising. We are widening the space between the haves and have nots. The greed of Wall Street wrecks havoc and anger here.

Indian Pundit said...

"Many are, but of late our middle class is shrinking, and poverty levels are rising. We are widening the space between the haves and have nots. The greed of Wall Street wrecks havoc and anger here."

You know what, every democratic system needs a few genuine left wing communist parties.....they normally keep things like greed in check in society.

By the way , i am NOT a communist.

Have u noticed one curious thing.

When people say good things about capitalism/corporates people say "profit motive"......BUT when people say not so good things about capitalism/corporates then they call it "greed" .

Very curious how terminology changes.

Take care.

Indian Pundit said...

Also negatives of capitalism can be reduced by mixing some of the principles of socialism and vice-versa.

For example , the corporate greed can be controlled by proper regulation and other govt. policies.....